Bare Necessities

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Where The Company Is At Now

Welcome friends,

Being that KTs Lingerie is a new business and blog site, there has been a relatively low number of persons who have found the sites.  As a lover of lingerie, I have realized that there are others out there who feel the same way as I do about the craft and sensuality of it.  I want to send out a request to anyone who reads some of the blogs to tell us what you think, what you feel, and what you suggest to help make this a site that anyone would find fun and pleasing to visit.

             Furthermore, the articles to the right are updated lists of events and articles that we thought might fall within the category of your inquiry into the world of fashion.  Those articles to the right are sited and labeled from other sources by the name of the Author, Publisher, and the entity of the publications source.  We are not in the business of plagiarism and those articles are not produced by anyone from KTs Lingerie.

             We hope that we can make this as fun as possible, so send us a message.


             -KTs Lingerie

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